Student Survey #1 - Winter 2005
As part of an ongoing effort to understand and meet the needs of our clients,
Computer Lab Management (CLM) emailed a survey to a sample of our student
clients on 2/10/2005. The
survey was sent to 2000 students who used the computer classrooms during the
2005 quarter. There were 176 respondents.
Survey Results and Interpretation
Computer ownership has almost reached 100%. Yet the usage in the computer
rooms remains very high, which indicates students prefer to use the campus
computer labs while on campus. During Winter 2005 we opened a new 41
seat computer room. However, the wait lines still averaged over 20 people from 10am to
remains one of the most important reasons students use the computer rooms.
Most student have Ink Jet printers. Despite a majority of students owning
printers, they still utilize campus printing because of quality and convenience
This makes sense as laser printers are generally higher quality than ink jet
printers. Most students prefer to print out class material while on campus
rather than returning home to print.
- As for the last few years almost all students own a computer and most are
PCs. The Winter 04 survey showed a significant increase of the number of
students who own laptops. This trend has continued this year during
which laptop
ownership (57.5%) surpassed desktop ownership (43.1%).

- Windows XP has become much more prevalent. Windows XP use reached
73.6% in Winter 05. The use of Win9X
operating systems has dropped from 42.3% in Winter 03 to 7.5% in Winter

- Most students (80.9%) have some sort of high-speed Internet access, usually shared
with their house mates. In contrast, only 8.1% of students are still using modems.
- Most student computers have DVD-ROMs and CD-RWs (most likely in a combo
drive), floppy drives, and USB drives. CLM has promoted USB drives
as the best means to transfer files so it's good that 83.3% of students have
- Most students still email files to themselves to transfer them. We
need to promote mySpace and USB flash drives more effectively.
- As shown in earlier surveys freshman do not use our services as much as
other students. Most likely freshmen prefer to go back to the dorms than
wait in line.
- About half of students were aware we are opening the MU Station and 15
Olson at 7:30am now. But only a small percentage of students actually
used the early opening time.
- Student want more flexibility in printing options on campus. A number
expressed a desire to be able to print wirelessly and thereby avoid the wait
- Students continue to want more open access stations, especially during
peak hours. Although 10 minute stations have alleviated wait lines
considerably, students still perceive that wait lines move too slowly.
Survey Details
Survey Text
Survey Results Details
Other Surveys
Survey Text
On 2/10/2005 the following survey was set to 2000 students who had used
the computer classrooms since the start of the Winter quarter.
Computer Lab Management periodically surveys computer room users in
order to make adjustments and meet customer needs. This survey helps us
determine what changes and improvements are most appropriate. We would
like your input to determine what changes you feel would improve our
services. Please answer the following questions by putting an "x" or
text, as appropriate, between the square brackets provided (eg. [x]).
Since a program will automatically tally your responses for later
analysis, please keep your responses between the square brackets provided.
Thank you for your time and input.
Tim Leamy
Computer Lab Management
Classroom Technology Services
***** Computer Room Survey *****
1. Class Standing: [] First year [] Second year
[] Third year [] Fourth year
[] Fifth or more year[] Masters candidate
[] PhD candidate [] Professional School
2. Why do you use the computer rooms (please mark all that apply)
[] Don't own a computer
[] Don't own a printer
[] Need to access the web (Mozilla and Internet Explorer)
[] Need to check/reply to email
[] Need to print class assignments
[] Need to print class materials from the web
[] Need to access specialized software which is not on home computer
[] Need to access special hardware (scanners, video editors, etc.)
[] Campus computers have faster access to the network (web, email, etc)
[] Campus computers are more convenient than mine
[] Campus computers work better than mine
[] Campus printers are better than mine
[] Class meets in a computer room
[] To access student information (RSVP, grades, financial aid info,
classes enrolled)
[] Other (please describe): []
3. Do you own a computer?
[] Yes
[] No (If NO please skip to question #6.)
4. If you own a computer please answer the following: (If you own more
than one computer please respond for the one you use most often.)
Type: [] Desktop [] Laptop
Operating System: (if use multiple select primary one)
[] Mac OS 9 [] Mac OS X
[] Mac - not sure what version
[] Windows 95 [] Windows 98 [] Windows NT
[] Windows 2000 [] Windows ME [] Windows XP
[] Windows - not sure what version
[] Linux [] Other Unix
[] Other
Printer: [] None [] Ink Jet [] Laser
[] Other [] Don't Know
Network Connection: [] 56K modem [] 28.8K or slower modem
[] DSL [] Cable Modem
[] High speed provided by apartment complex
[] Satellite [] Resnet
[] None [] Don't know
[] Other: please specify [ ]
Is your network connection shared with your roommates: [] Yes [] No
Peripherals: DVD-R/RW [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
DVD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
CD-RW: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
CD-ROM: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
Zip drive: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
Floppy: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
Scanner: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
USB drive: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
Firewire drive: [] Yes [] No [] Don't know
How do you usually transfer files from your computer to computers on
[] mySpace(in myUCDavis) [] Floppy disk
[] Zip disk [] CD-RW
[] USB storage device
[] Email the file to myself
[] Other - please specify [ ]
5. If you are waiting for a computer in a lab, and one of the other type is
available (ie. You own a PC but a Mac is available) would you:
[] Use the available computer
[] Wait until the type you own is available
6. Did you know that the MU Station and 15 Olson opened at 7:30 am Monday
through Friday during Winter Quarter?
[] Yes
[] No
Did you ever use the those rooms between 7:30 and 8am?
[] Yes - both
[] Yes - MU Station
[] Yes - 15 Olson
[] No
If yes, what did you use it for? Mark all that apply.
[] Printing a paper
[] Printing class notes
[] Checking email
[] Access the web
[] Burning time until class started
7. Do you have any other suggestions or comments?
[ ]
Thank you for your time and input.
Survey Results Details
There were 176 responses.
Not all respondents answered all of the questions.
1. Class Standing
Class |
Number |
Percentage |
First Year |
13 |
7.4% |
Second Year |
34 |
19.3% |
Third Year |
48 |
27.3% |
Fourth Year |
39 |
22.2% |
Fifth Year |
10 |
5.7% |
Masters candidate |
11 |
6.3% |
PhD candidate |
18 |
10.2% |
Professional School |
3 |
1.7% |
2. Why do you use the computer rooms?
Reason |
Number |
Percentage |
Don't own a computer |
2 |
1.1% |
Don't own a printer |
39 |
22.2% |
Need to access the web |
67 |
38.1% |
Need to check/reply to email |
95 |
54.0% |
Need to print class assignments |
131 |
74.4% |
Need to print class materials from the web |
140 |
79.5% |
Need to access specialized software not at home computer |
53 |
30.1% |
Need to access special hardware |
26 |
14.8% |
Campus computers have faster access to network |
38 |
21.6% |
Campus computers are more convenient |
46 |
26.1% |
Campus computers work better |
18 |
10.2% |
Campus printers are better |
54 |
30.7% |
Class meets in a computer room |
39 |
22.2% |
To access student information (RSVP, grades, financial aid, classes enrolled) |
52 |
29.5% |
Other |
16 |
9.1% |
Reasons given for "Other":
- Need to download software to zip disk when home internet connection is
- printers print on both sides of the paper which my printer does not do
- prefer to use CLM's printers since i get 200 copies
- to kill time
- forgot to print out at times
- library databases
- i spend a lot of time at school and can't access home computer
- faster double-sided printing for class notes
- more convenient to print in computer labs than to run all the way home to
use my computer
- emergencies
- Printer ink doesn't smear when I highlight my printer ink does cause it's
an inkjet.
- To work on assignments in between class
- to register for classes
- to print so that I don't use my own ink
- save on printing on own paper
3. Do you own a computer?
Yes |
98.9% |
No |
1 |
0.6% |
4. If you own a computer please answer the following:
Note: all the percentages reported for this question are of the students
who own a computer, not all students.
What type of computer do you own?
Number |
Percentage |
Desktop |
75 |
43.1% |
Laptop |
100 |
57.5% |
What type of operating system do you use?
Operating System |
Number |
Percentage |
Mac OS 9 |
1 |
0.6% |
Mac OS X |
13 |
7.5% |
Mac-not sure |
2 |
1.1% |
Windows 95
1 |
0.6% |
Windows 98 |
7 |
4.0% |
Windows NT |
1 |
0.6% |
Windows 2000 |
10 |
5.7% |
Windows ME |
5 |
2.9% |
Windows XP |
128 |
73.6% |
Windows - not sure |
3 |
1.7% |
Linux |
4 |
2.3% |
Other Unix |
0 |
0.0% |
Other |
0 |
0.0% |
What type of printer do you own?
Number |
Percentage |
None |
37 |
21.3% |
Ink Jet |
109 |
62.6% |
Laser |
17 |
9.8% |
Other |
3 |
1.7% |
Don't know |
7 |
4.0% |
What type of network connection do you have at home?
Number |
Percentage |
56K modem |
13 |
7.5% |
28.8K or slower modem |
1 |
0.6% |
82 |
47.1% |
Cable Modem |
32 |
18.4% |
High speed provided by apartment complex |
17 |
9.8% |
Satellite |
0 |
0.0% |
None |
8 |
4.6% |
Don't know |
5 |
2.9% |
Other |
5 |
5.6% |
Other network types given:
- wireless (5 responses)
- Comcast High Speed
- T1
Are you sharing the network connection with your roommates?
Number |
Percentage |
Yes |
114 |
65.5% |
No |
31 |
17.8% |
What type of peripherals do you have at home?
Yes |
No |
Don't Know |
Percentage of "Yes" |
61 |
76 |
8 |
35.1% |
126 |
25 |
5 |
72.4% |
129 |
18 |
8 |
74.1% |
142 |
9 |
4 |
81.6% |
Zip Drive |
33 |
85 |
15 |
19.0% |
Floppy |
101 |
46 |
1 |
58.0% |
Scanner |
55 |
79 |
5 |
31.6% |
USB drive |
145 |
5 |
12 |
83.3% |
Firewire drive |
42 |
33 |
61 |
24.1% |
How do you transfer files between campus and home computer?
(Allowed multiple responses)
Number |
Percentage |
MySpace |
58 |
33.0% |
Floppy Disk |
30 |
17.0% |
Zip Disk |
3 |
1.7% |
16 |
9.1% |
USB Storage Device |
54 |
30.7% |
Email the file to themselves |
119 |
67.6% |
Other |
9 |
5.1% |
Other transfer means
- FTP (2 responses)
- SSH to the kemper computers
- iPod
- Own server
- smart disk
- I put the information on my website
- This has been a problem for me. I would email but I use Outlook for email
which downloads my mail from the campus networks. Therefore without paying
special attention to keep an email on Geckmail I don't have access to my
emails (expect for ones not yet downloaded to Outlook and since Outlook
downloads upon exit that is rather difficult) from campus computers.
5. If you are waiting for a computer in a lab, and one of the other type
is available (ie. They own a PC but a Mac is available) you would:
Number |
Percentage |
Use the available computer |
133 |
76.4% |
Wait until the type you own is available |
40 |
23.0% |
6. Did you know that the MU Station and 15 Olson opened at 7:30 am Monday
through Friday during Winter Quarter?
Number |
Percentage |
Yes |
81 |
46.0% |
No |
95 |
54.0% |
Did you ever use the those rooms between 7:30 and 8am?
Number |
Percentage |
Both rooms |
10 |
5.7% |
MU Station |
10 |
5.7% |
15 Olson |
3 |
1.7% |
Neither |
153 |
86.9% |
If yes, what did you use it for? Mark all that apply. Percentage is of
clients who used early opening times.
Number |
Percentage |
Printing a paper |
23 |
100% |
Printing class notes |
19 |
82.6% |
Checking email |
18 |
78.3% |
Access the web |
11 |
47.8% |
Burning time until class started |
9 |
39.1% |
7. Do you have any other suggestions or comments?
- If computers were available more often I would use a computer lab more
often but it seems that there are never enough computers available. Also the
labs tend to be a little dirty if they were cleaner I would be more inclined
to use them.
- Thank you for maintaining the labs. They are very well run.
- Suggestions: staplers would be nice. Bolt them down to prevent
theft. Install Linux computers in lab. Maybe the general public will take to
them. My overall comments for the campus labs is that they are excellent. The
computers are top of the line in excellent condition. They serve their
purposes well to the student community. The CRC staff is excellent and as a
student in computer science I hope that my opinion is taken as an expert
opinion. I understand many of the problems they must troubleshoot on a daily
basis and they always perform well. Great job the computer labs are one of the
many things we can be proud of at UCD
- bring back the 200 page limit. 100 is definitely not enough.
- we need more computers and printers!
- Can the University have a lab that can print color copies?
- i wish the 100 copies we are allotted included photocopying
- increase the amount of paper that we can print out. with all the science
classes putting their lecture online it is impossible to keep it 100 pages.
- It would be nice to have more computer rooms on campus equipped with
Graphic Design/Publishing/Media software. Meyer is the least accessible room
on campus (farthest from the main campus area) and Hart's Media Lab is always
occupied with classes.
- if there's a 10-minute time limit it needs to be enforced
- Make it easier & cheaper for my department to enable wireless access
throughout offices -- currently 4 grad students/office & only one network
- I would really like some wireless printers in the library or other
computer rooms. I don't use campus computers for anything else and it would
save time if I could just print from my own computer.
- You need more PCs Macs are the worst invention know to man and there
should be a greater percentage of PCs to Macs considering everyone has a PC.
Also you should allow students to print 200 pages a quarter like before. We
pay over $7000 in fees a year there has to be money to cover the cost of the
extra printing.
- It would be nice to be able to have a computer just for printing. It
would save a lot of time. I usually come to the campus labs to print lecture
notes or practice exams ect. But since the labs are usually full and everyone
is priniting stuff you have to a wait a bit for it to print. So then I decide
to check my e-mail ect... and get distracted and then my quick 5 min run to
the lab to print something out turns into 20 plus mins. It would be nice to be
able to just send it from home to a lab to print or something and then pick it
up. Or if their was a few quick print computers per lab where you got 5 mins
or less to send what you need to the printer and have one printer deignated to
the quick print.
- more enforcement on 10 minute quick access computers would be nice and
some chairs or stools to sit on during those 10 minute stations as well would
be nice.
- We really need more labs. I know there was a new addition for the lab
in the new building but all the labs are clumped together in the middle
of campus. We need an open lab close to or in the Silo.
- More computers would be nice because sometimes the lines get really
long and I have to wait. Sometimes I won't even get the chance to use a
computer before my class because there are so many people.
- Despite the campaign promises of many ASUCD senators I hope that the CRC
can show them that it really isn't feasible to have staplers chained to a wall
AND that printing from off-campus IP addresses would turn the CRC into paper
babysitters OR even if they had cover sheets would only waste much more paper.
- dont let people talk on AIM in the lab!!!!! also i would like to see more
strictly inforced time limits on the standing stations(especially in the MU
- More mac's would be nice. Also If I could upload papers to a central print
station (from home or laptop) then go there and swipe my ID in order to print
I would never use the computer lab.
- Higher the printing limit to 200 page again
- With all the computer rooms so spread out around campus it would be
nice to have an informational handout that shows where each station is and the
hour it is available and what kinds of services are available (eg; scanners
color or black and white printers etc.).
- make a mandatroy sign off after the 10 min for stand ups sometimes i
do burn time on a stand off but i get off within 10 when there is a line not
all students do so even after a warning.
- MORE COMPUTERS the lines are too long
- The computer labs on campus are scarce and overpopulated.
Specifically more computers should be available in Shields Library for
internet access word processing data analysis printing etc. While wireless
access is available and wireless access cards can be checked out these are
old. When I attempted to use my laptop with WinXP I could detect a wireless
connection but XP insisted that I use a driver that was more current
apparently preventing my browsers (both IE and Mozilla) from accessing the
internet (a problem I have never had before with other cards). Plus its just a
hassle to bring a laptop to campus when computers should be readily available
and data transfer is so easy via USB devices and online data transfer (myspace
or email). Standing email stations are fine for the MU but labs like the one
in Hart Hall need to be available AT ALL TIMES and in MORE PLACES for student
use rather than being used for teaching labs. Expand the computing power of
the library!
- every time I use a computer it ends up not having access to what i need.
Like being in the library and not being able to check email or print journal
articles. Or being in Hart Hall and not being able to access external
sites...even though I was doing research thru the library homepage. I get so
nervous every time I have to use a school computer lab because I do not
understand the systems of where to stand in line what time to go what
computers will have a printer...we need more information about our options
- i think that where the design classes are taught one more color printer
should be available. also due to the fact that i do not know where teh
hutchinson lab is to make color copies
- Excellent computer resources!!
- The main problem isn't usually the technology it's getting to the
computers. In many of the classes only a few computers are needed. Even though
we have the same number of computers now as 4 years ago the distribution is
much worse. A lot of machines can be taken up by som class resulting in a 40%
decrease in availability.
- I really appreciate the availability of print labs and the help I've
gotten from the people who monitor them! When my personal printer is out of
commission or I discover a last-minute error in a paper it really helps to be
able to use computer rooms.
- Sprecialized course software should be available in more computer rooms.
- Ammount of sheets allowed to print is not acceptiable because all of
my teachers require that we print out papers in class and for class on campus
that far exceeds the ammount aloted. Having a computer room that limits
student access to the point where they are not usable to contact their
teachers or access assignments (Hart Hall) and having this policy in order to
control student behavor (keep them from checking their emails frequently) is
stupid and overly controling when in theory the computer labs are to aid
students and they should be trusted to use them as they best see fit. Saying
that staplers are not provided with the reason that they are too expensive to
maintain is unbleavable when students are trusted and allowed to use thousands
of dollers of equiptment in the same room.
- I really like the fact that you have computer labs in so many different
places on campus :) What I also like is how we're allowed to print up to 100
pages for free.
- Square brakets are annoying to type in. I feel constrained. Boxed
in. Caged.
- It would be helpful to have more computers available for printing papers
- I would like to be able to install and use a special font for linguistics
when I'm at one of these campus computer. Also please supply staplers.
- maybe have more 10 minute computers so people who just want to print
something real quick will be able to do so...or have one hour limits maybe.
- wish there are directions in the new SSH buliding to point out where
the computer lab is i had to ask walk all over the buliding and ask people
- You guys are doing great! Thanks for the hard work.
- Please install Pascal on Macs as well.
- As a graduate student I have my own lab computer and department computer
labs so my input to this survey may not be representative of the entire class
- Would help to have a lab with Minitab open on weekends
- If is crucial for the computer room attendents to enforce the 10min use
only computers. Most of the time attendents knows there is a line but does not
regard to enforce current use on the 10min computer to leave. Its frustrating
how the attendents are so timid. Other suggestions is to offer classes or
seminars for powerpoint excel basic office programs to complex programs such
as adobe photoshop webpage designs etc. We are emerging into a techno era and
slideshow or overhead projection with transparancy are not enticing and
engaging for presentations in the classrooms.
- We should be allotted more pages per quarter or professors should have to
limit the number of pages they post to the web. Every quarter just about
everyone I know including myself has the need to print more pages than are
- I would like to see more computer labs on campus
- The labs need to be cleaned and swept more often (at least the ones in
- It might be helpful to have another printer in Hart because there are
times when printing is V E R Y slow. Having even one more printer would help
alleviate that problem.
- Do not allow people to install Instant Messenger on the computers. Block
that site and the express AIM site. It wastes EVERYONES time when someone is
monopolizing a computer to go on instant messenger. It baffles me that this
problem is yet to be solved.
- We need more computers in the library
- Acrobat Reader has issues when printing 6 pages per sheet: they end uip in
a really funky order. Also I remember the Macs in 1102 Hart used to have the
full version of Adobe Acrobat which was great but when the new G5s got put in
they no longer had it. Also can any Macs in the CLM system start up in MacOS 9
anymore or are they all exclusively MacOSX now? Kudos for opening up a new
room in SciLab but I think it should be publicized even more heavily. The "CRC
Locator" poster on the bulletin board in Meyer Media Lab is hilarious; they
should be posted system-wide.
- put more mac computers in all the labs.
- more printers please
- having a print room for wireless users. allowing wireless users to print
as well instead of having to wait for a computer to just print something.
Other Surveys
Faculty Surveys
Student Surveys
Other Surveys
Last reviewed:
Mon, 11-Apr-2005
Last updated:
Mon, 11-Apr-2005