Duplex Printing Survey - Summer 2000
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On 7/21/2000 the following survey was set to 500 students who had used
307 SurgeIV since the start of Summer.
Lab Management is constantly trying to refine and improve the campus
computer rooms. We are considering implementing duplex printing (printing
on both sides of the page) at several other computing facilities.
Your name was selected from a random sample of clients who have used 307
SurgeIV. As a result, your responses to this survey represent many users.
Please reply to this survey so that your views will be properly
The survey contains six questions which are listed below. To answer
the survey, reply to this message and mark your answers to the questions
below by putting an "x" or text, as appropriate, between the square
brackets provided (eg. [x]). Since a program will automatically tally your
responses for later analysis, please keep your responses between the
square brackets provided. There is a space for comments at the end of the
Thank you for your time and input.
Tim Leamy
Information Resources
***** 307 SurgeIV Duplex Printing Survey *****
Lab Management recently installed a duplex printer (prints on both sides
of the page) in 307 SurgeIV.
1. Compared to single-sided printing, do you consider duplex printing
[] better
[] about the same
[] worse
2. Did you print out anything on the duplex printer in 307 SurgeIV?
[] Yes - proceed to question 4
[] No - continue with quesion 3
3. Was the duplex printer the reason you didn't print?
[] No
[] Yes. Please explain [ ]
You're done. Skip the rest of the questions.
4. Did the duplex printing meet your needs.
[] Yes
[] No
[] Some of the time. Please explain [ ]
5. Would you like to see duplex printing available in other computer rooms?
[] Yes
[] No
6. Do you have any other comments regarding duplex printing?
Thank you for your time and input.
Survey Results
There were 180 responses. Of those 164 were usable.
Question 1: Compared to single-sided printing, do you consider duplex
printing ...
Number |
Percentage |
better |
104 |
63.4% |
about the same |
46 |
28.0% |
worse |
9 |
5.5% |
Question 2: Did you print on the duplex printer in 307 SurgeIV?
Number |
Percentage |
Yes |
122 |
74.4% |
No |
38 |
23.2% |
Question 3 (For those who did not print): Was the duplex printer
the reason you didn't print?
The only listed reason was " I needed to print out a paper
on one side only"
Question 4 (For those who printed only): Did the duplex printer meet
your needs?
Number |
Percentage |
Yes |
87 |
71.3% |
No |
2 |
1.6% |
Some of the time |
30 |
24.6% |
Reasons for some of the time:
when i need to turn in essays duplex printing is not presentable. However
it is great for priting out class notes because i get to save paper
It was sometimes difficult when i needed to print on single sided because
that would mean that i would have to give up my computer station and have
to w ait 30 mins to an hour to get a computer in a lab with single sided
printing to print a final document.
For some of my classes I needed the backside of the page to take additional
notes. Also I did not use this lab to print out my term papers.
Duplex printers are good for printing notes and any other materials that
do not need to be turned in.
when I print things out for my > personal use (like study notes or things
o ff the web I like two sided > printing because it saves space and paper
ok for most things but not for official papers/homework
most of the time when i was printing out stuff just to get a hard copy
of it and when i was doing research online less papers to carry around.
once in a w hile i had a paper or class assignment due and then it would
be necessary to onl y print on one side. that was not problem since the
computer room right next do or had a one sided printer. it would be a good
idea to have that option. it woul d even be better if we could send the
print outs we want to the printer we would like to use.
It saves paper but I would like the option for some pages to be printed
on a single page.
unless it was for a paper which >i had to turn in where i needed it to
pr int on only one side
for papers that weren't for class meaning they were more for research and
s uch yes they did meet my needs but i wouldn't print up a paper due for
class th rough duplex printing
sometimes single sided printing is necessary
To save paper. But sometimes one-sided prints needed for term papers etc.
It was better for my particular >assignment but others like papers do no
t need duplex printed works.
My professor requires one-sided homework.
i like not wasting paper when i print nonacademic items but otherwise i
pre fer non duplex printing.
Some instructors prefer single side print jobs but it is great to have
the option of duplex printing.
It Meets my needs when I am >Getting research off the Web but not when
I p rint an essay
papers need to be single sided so it only help so as not to waste paper
Using duplex printing is good for essays.
It depended on where I was going to ues the document. If the document was
g oing to be > turned or to used for professional work I used single sided
print ing but other wise duplex printing was used.
as long as it was only one page
Professors may not like it
for lecture notes
sometimes it didn't print; there were errors
sometimes i wanted the back side of the pages blank so that i could take
som e notes
Professors do not want your final draft papers to be doub;e sided but I
had to go to that computer room because it had the smallest line. It would
be nice if their was an option of printing single dided or double sided.
not for papers/final > drafts-looks sloppy & unprofessional
in a large print job
Sometimes i want single sided. it would be nice if double is default but
gi ve us the option to use single if needed
Essays need to be one side
Sometimes I need one-side printing eg: to prepare assignments
printer has a head problem; > some parts of the printout are lighter than
others regardless of amount > of toner in printer. Duplex printing isn't
good for working with > computer code because it makes comparisons difficult.
Actu ally an old > dot-matrix printer with fanfold paper would be better
for workin g with > code.
Question 5: Would you like to see duplex printing in other rooms?
Number |
Percentage |
Yes |
129 |
78.7% |
No |
13 |
7.9% |
Question 6: Other comments on duplex printing.
I love the idea of duplex printing because it greatly reduces the amoun
t of paper that I end up carrying around with me. However the quality of
th e printouts in 307 Surge IV is quite poor. Printouts with large letters
see m to come out very nice but normal-sized text and spreadsheets often
have s treaks where the print is very light. Because of this I cannot use
the dupl ex printer for anything that will later need to be photocopied
or in cas es where I want the document to look professional. I've noticed
this proble m throughout the Spring 2000 quarter and have notified the
lab attendents ab out it. When this happens the printer does not say that
the toner is low s o the attendant usually shakes the cartridge but the
quality does not impro ve. Is the poor quality a characteristic of all
duplex printers? If it is then I don't think it makes sense to buy more
of them. However if the pri nt quality were the same as the other printers
I would love to see them at all of the labs. I think it would be good though
to have an option to p rint on one side only or to be able to send a document
to a single-sided pri nter.
save paper!
i think it's excellent. however it should be an option not mandatory. pe
ople can help save paper in printing drafts or class notes but sometimes
they n eed to turn essays in which don't look good on duplex printing
I think it is a great idea-- protecting the environment
Duplex printing is great when you have to print large documents. It saves
pa per and space (because you would have to carry twice to amount of paper).
I use it to print out notes that I can take to a test. In combination with
the duplex printing I print two or four pages on a side. It's a great space
saver and I think more of these printers shoul exist in other labs.
I think duplex printing is fantastic for getting material off of the interne
t so that paper isn't wasted. And as far as paper goes I think the computers
c an still be used: just insert a blank page between each page. I hope
to see dup lex printing more available.
Yes don't just restrict us to printing in duplex only give us the option
of not printing in duplex.
Goo stuff. Use it to print large PDFs - saves paper and I don't have to
car ry or staple a fat stack.
It is nice because it saves a lot of paper but not all computer labs should
have it since the majority of students use computer labs to print up term
paper s.
When print we should have the option of printing on the regular printer
on t he duplex printer.
I think this is a great way to save paper. I feel that most people print
out lecture notes at these labs therefore i think we might need more printers
that can shrink pdf file like 4 slides on one side.
Yes I think it would be better to have one duplex printer and one single-si
ded printer in a lab room; this way students like myself would have the
option to choose the type of printing they need. But I do think duplex
printing is a g ood idea because it saves a lot of paper.
duplex print is great saves paper only bad thing about it is if you need
to turn in a paper so you should have an option of just printing one-sided..
It should be available in computer labs as it saves a lot of paper-and
spac e in binders !
I would use a duplex printer but also for those certain times I would like
t o also be able to print pages on a single page.
have it automatically do duplex printing but also have the available >opti
on to only print on one side (for example for papers you need to turn >into
cl ass)
takes too long.
Obviously it will save trees. Since there are times you actually need sing
le sided printing it would be nice if that were an option in printing on
a duple x printer. Thanks.
i study the notes i print out better if it's on one side of the page. plus
i can write notes on the back if i have something i want to remember. i
can't do that with duplex printing.
Duplex printing would be good in other labs but not if it means single
>pri nting will no longer be available.
I haven't got around to finding a use for duplex or any printing recently.
I haven't used the duplex printing function but I think it is a good idea
that it is available.
It is a good idea but I don't think that it should be in a majority of
the computer labs b/c having it in too many labs may create a flux of people
going t o the labs where there is single side printing.
Definitely saves paper!! There should be more labs with it!!
It saves lots of paper and because many teachers are putting class notes
o n line it makes lots of sense to have duplex printing.
It saves lots of paper and because many teachers are putting class notes
o n line it makes lots of sense to have duplex printing.
Great idea!!! This will save on paper...almost everything I print will
be f ine on two-sided paper
I didn't know there was a duplex printer.
Duplex printing is good espectially for lecture notes and sample exams
etc . but we should also have the option to choose one-side printing since
some ins tructors want the assignments/papers to be in certain formats.
I really like duplex printing because it saves paper and I like most of
>my documents which are mainly class materials or practice exams printed
>on bot h sides.
duplex printing is good to print things that don't need to be turned in
but we still need single sided printers
I like the fact that duplex printing saves trees and reduces waste. I thin
k it shoudl be used more. However there are still times in which I would
like to have the opportunity to print out stuff only one-sided. Thus I
think more d uplex printers should be used while still preserving the ability
to occasionally print one-sided stuff
Instead offerring only duplex printing or only single sided printing set
the default to duplex printing but allow the user to > return to single
sided print ing if need be.
Duplex printing is a great way to save paper and to keep our binders lighte
r. I am in favor of more duplex printing but I think there should be the
optio n to turn it off for special print jobs if need be. I prefer to print
such thin gs as essay single sided. I do not want to insert blank pages
in a long documen t to do that.
get rid of it and just have standard one page printer
it's worth it because it saves paper
I like the double sided printing. There are some things that I can print
do uble sided & I like saving the paper. However I wouldn't like the
rooms to be "switched over" to only double-sided printers as some things
for class I need s ingle sided but as an option it would be helpful &
I think a lot of people wou ld take advantage of it.
I found the duplex printing machine very helpful Spring quarter because
I wa s required to print out lecture notes for one of my classes and the
double sided pages REALLY made a difference less weight on my binder.
make it a choice
it would be a lot better if duplex printing were in every computer lab
b/c it saves paper
you should give students an option of whether or not to print on both sides.
to your benefit and for the environments benefit students would most likely
o pt for the 2 sided thing so that they have to carry less paper around.
See 4 and 5
I feel that the duplex printing helps in the reduction of paper use but
you also have to consider the fact that most students print out papers
for classes which unfortunately need to be printed on one side only.
I think it's really good. I don't know why most other labs don't have it.
It saves so much paper. I wish other labs had it because I go to 307 Surge
IV when I know I want to print something else.
I like duplex printing because it saves paper but it should be optional.
T here are times when we need single-sided print.
Its practical: saving both paper and space. However it would be nice to
b e able to choose whether or not you want duplex or single sided printing
every t ime that you print something out. When printing out a paper that
is to be turne d in for example you would not want to print it with a duplex
I was overjoyed to have the duplex printer available! I think that it is
a major improvement and would like to see duplex printers in all of the
computer l abs on campus. Considering that our university irresponsibly
uses paper that is not 100% recycled and that is uses paper which has been
bleached releasing ha rmful dioxins into the environment I applaud attempts
such as the duplex printe r to save paper! THANK YOU! It would be nice
if all print jobs were done on bo th sides unless the computer user took
the energy to specify otherwise for a sp ecific print job. In the future
can we have Kenaf Hemp or Unbleached recycle d paper to print on? I would
be extremely supportive.
good option but cannot replace others must still have a choice
Be sure to include the current print option in those rooms as well
I think that this will help lower the amount of paper used but there is
st ill the problem of having teacher's accepting double sided prints. Personally
I haven't experienced that yet but I still wonder if teacher's will accept
tha t. If it is accepted then I would prefer double sided prints. It shouldn't
be a problem.
Same comment as in #4. An option available in the printing settings for
sin gle-sided
save the trees print in gray scale fast and low quality printing
General printing is good on duplex printers. It reduce money for the labs
b ut also reduce the among of paper I have to carry around.
Would it be possible to have printers that allow you to choose either duplex
or single page printing? I think duplex is a great idea- it definitely
will cut down on the amount of paper being used in the computer labs but
in some instan ces I have to print out a paper for a class that must be
on single pages. If it was possible to make duplex printing the default
in the labs but give students the option to print on single pages if they
must this would make everybody a h appy camper.
I think it's a great program to save paper and resources. It also helped
>b ecause it was required for one of the class.
It might be an option which will reduce paper waste
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Survey Results
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Comments: tcleamy@ucdavis.edu
URL: http://lm.ucdavis.edu/pubs/survey/duplex_summer00.html
Last reviewed: Thu, 18-Jul-2002
Last updated: July 28, 2000 |