Third Quarter (1/7/98 - 4/2/98)
During the first three months of 1998, Lab Management focused on initiatives to expand access and address functionality issues. Lab Management installed two print only stations in 15 Olson and extended the open hours in the TB114 general access lab from 16 hours/day to 18 hours/day Monday to Thursday. Both proved extremely succesful with statistics indicating over 400 hours of usage for the print stations and 70 percent usage during extended hours in TB114. Lab Management upgraded computers in 1154 Meyer and printers in five computer rooms to solve performance issues identified by clients. Further, Lab Management conducted a survey of student and faculty users to determine how we can better serve our clients.
Third Quarter Goals
1. Install two print only stations to improve student access to services during peak times.
Status: Completed
Lab Management installed one PC and one Mac station was in the15 Olson printer room at the beginning of this year. These stations are limited to 15 minutes of use and to print only functions. Tracking the usage of the machines did not start until Feb. 11 but data indicates that both machines accumulated 400 hours of usage between 2/11 and 4/2. Users have been requesting this service which has not been available since 1992 when Lab Management removed the Mac print only station in 8 Hutchison, a PC computer lab at the time.
2. Upgrade 1154 Meyer hardware and software to improve the performance and reliability in the media production lab.
Status: In progress
Lab Management upgraded the Mac computers with the new Apple PowerMac G3 machines. Fourteen G3 machines were purchased and installed in 1154 Meyer. In addition, Lab Management optimized the Mac OS System 8 for a media production environment. The G3 machines significantly improved the speed and reliability of the multimedia applications, at least doubling the speed of operation such as digital imaging. Further investigation is in order to determine if reliability was significantly improved and if further software modifications are needed. Lab Management also upgraded several multimedia software and installed Infini-D in 1154 Meyer. Infini-D now provides a 3D modeling and animation tool not previously available at 1154 Meyer. The PC hardware was not upgraded last quarter.
3. Extending open access time past midnight in TB114 as part of a pilot program
Lab Managment extended the TB114 open times by two hours past midnight Monday to Thursday during the three weeks prior to finals. Statistics during the first few days showed usage as low as 7 percent at 1:30 am but jumped to as high as 71 percent two weeks later for the same time period. There was a delay in informing the campus community which may have accounted for the low usage during the first few days. An article in The Aggie quoted student users who said they found the extended hours useful and especially accomodating for late night students.We intend to repeat the service next quarter for the three weeks preceeding finals week.
4. Upgrade older printers and align printers to match printing load
Lab Management retired three aging Apple LaserWriter IIg printers and purchased five new HP Laserjet 5SiMx to better meet computer classroom print demands. Older LaserJet 4SiMx printers replaced the LaserWriter IIg printers while new 5SiMx printers replaced the 4SiMx printers. The 307 SurgeIV, 241 Olson, and 247 Olson computer rooms received 4SiMx printers to replace their LaserWriter IIg printers. The 1102/1101 Hart facility received two 5SiMx printers to replace their 4SiMx printers and 163 Shields received a 5SiMx to replace their 4SiMx. This rearrangement allowed considerable print speed improvements to our labs. The LaserWriter IIg prints 8 pages/min. while the 4SiMx prints 17 pages/min and the 5SiMx prints 27 pages/min. The speed increase will minimize wait time, which was close to one hour at various facilities such as 307 Surge IV.
5. Conducted a faculty and student survey to evaluate client needs
Status: In Progress
Lab Management sent an email survey form to over 1000 students and 50 faculty members who have used our computer facilities the previous quarter. Over a third of the students surveyed responded. We compiled the student responses and have put the results on the web at We are in the process of compiling the faculty responses. Lab Management will use the results for future planning and to assess how well we are currently providing our service.
Lab Management successfully completed three of the five goals set for Winter 98. Added services and equipment upgrades had a considerable impact on Lab Management services. Students clearly utilizied the print only stations and extra open times in TB114. Clients also benefited from the speed improvements from the 1154 Meyer computer upgrade and from the printer upgrades at several Lab Management facilities.
Lab Management intends to complete the 1154 Meyer computer upgrades and compile the faculty survey responses by the end of the Spring Quarter. As part of the Spring Quarter goals, Lab Management will complete all planning for summer renovations and improvements. Lab Management also plans to complete all the tests, evaluations, and purchases of computer equipment and furniture before the end of the Spring Quarter.
Supporting documentation |
Other Information on Lab Management |
URL: Last updated: May 1, 1998 |
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