First Quarter (6/30/98 - 9/30/98)
Lab Management successfully completed major upgrades of several computer facilities and the creation of one new facility during Summer 98. In addition, Lab Management completed standard hardware and operating system upgrades during this first quarter of the 98-99 year. These projects were completed in a timely manner and under budget while successfully minimizing the impact to the campus.
First Quarter Goals
1. Renovate 1101 and 1102 Hart Hall
Status: Completed
The facilities in 1101 and 1102 Hart Hall was renovated, modernized and reorganized to improve media and computing services. Lab Management replaced all audio visual equipment older than three years. Equipment replaced included vintage tape and slide projectors purchased over 20 years ago. The ratio of audio players, slide viewers, VHS players, Umatic players, and tape duplicators were changed to meet demand. Lab Management replaced all the furniture in 1101 Hart and redesigned the room to allow for collaborative work and to improve traffic flow. Utilizing the input from Design Department faculty, 1102 was upgraded to support instruction for design. New high end Apple G3 computers and HP flatbed scanners were purchased and installed. Furniture was custom built to fit the machines and accommodate the class environment. In addition, a small media production room was created in the old 1101 Hart copy room. The room contains two high end Apple G3 computer, one flatbed scanner, one slide scanner, one Jaz drive and one MO drive.
2. Create a new computer facility in the MU
As part of the agreement with the MU, Student Affairs, and CURB, Lab Management modified the MU East Conference room to house 19 PCs and 15 Macs for general access. The facility was completed in time for the start of the 98-99 Academic year. Creation of the facility included custom painting, electrical upgrade, networking, creating and installing custom furniture, installing new Apple Mac G3 and Dell Dimension Pentium II desktop computers. This facility includes collaborative area to allow multiple users to gather around one computer and quick access stations. The quick access stations are elevated computers that allow students to use the computers while standing up and hence facilitate short term use. In addition, student staff were hired and trained to support the facility.
3. Renovate and upgrade equipment in 247 Olson
Status: Completed
Lab Management installed new equipment and furniture in 247 Olson to improve its service as a computer classroom. The room's unique laptop configuration was maintained when 23 PowerMac G3's were installed to replace aging Powerbook 520c computers. At the request of faculty, the laptops were employed as a way of minimizing the equipment footprint and profile and thus create an environment conducive to discussions and group work. Older and less professional looking furniture was replaced by custom built tables.
4. Upgrade hardware in TB114, 1131 Meyer and projection equipment in 301A and 307 Surge IV
Lab Management purchased and installed over 30 Dell Pentium II computers in 1131 Meyer. The equipment from Meyer was installed in TB114 which replaced much older equipment. Macs from the Hart facility upgrade was also used in TB114. The upgrades in Meyer and TB114 are part of a general replacement cycle which identifies four year old equipment to replace five year old equipment in TB114. As part of the equipment upgrade process, Lab Management purchased and installed high resolution and illumination computer projection equipment in 301A SurgeIV and 307 SurgeIV. The projection system was ceiling mounted to improve the over all size of the display. The previous projection system did not allow all students in a class to clearly view the projection of the instructor's screen.
5. Upgraded operating system software for all Apple Mac systems and New Media software
Status: Completed
Following general hardware upgrades, Lab Management upgraded software in several computer rooms. Apple Mac computers received an operating system upgrade to Mac OS 8.1 to improve stability and performance of Mac computers. The upgraded included utilizing the new HFS+ feature which improves hard drive storage capacity.
6. Establish a week-long training program for student staff to ensure training and consistency in training
Status: Completed
Lab Management instituted a new process to train student staff during one week prior to the start of the academic year. Dubbed as a "Boot Camp", the program was intended to provide training in the areas of customer service, Mac and PC troubleshooting, familiarization of Lab Management facilities, use of multimedia equipment in Meyer, and phone and e-mail etiquette. Over 70 students participated in the mandatory program which included over 30 new students. Each member of the Lab Management staff taught one subject to students in groups of 12 or less. As a result, all student staff were scheduled and prepared at the start of Fall Quarter.
7. Upgrade 1154 Meyer
Status: In Progress
Five Dell GXa Pentium II computers were installed and configured for 1154 Meyer. This purchase and installation was delayed from the last quarter of 97-98 to take advantage of bulk price breaks that came with other Dell computers purchased for other room upgrades such as 1131 Meyer. Lab Management completed upgrading the operating system and the multimedia software on 1154 Meyer Mac computers. PC multimedia software upgrade in 1154 Meyer was scheduled but delayed due to the number of upgrades and the lengthy test period for new software in the new media facilities. The five new PCs used multimedia software versions installed on the previous computers. Work on upgrading multimedia Mac software 1154 Meyer was used for similar software upgrades in 1102 Hart Hall.
Lab Management successfully completed six of the seven goals set for Summer 98. The numerous upgrades to rooms, hardware, and software were all accomplished on time and on budget. Student staff training proved very successful in the first days of the Fall 98 Quarter.
Lab Management intends to set its Fiscal 98-99 goals during the next quarter. In addition, efforts will focus on creating additional general access facilities to meet the high demand for on campus computing.
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URL: Last updated: May 1, 1998 |
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