Lab Management Quarterly Report

First Quarter (7/1/2000 - 9/28/2000)
Lab Management successfully completed several goals set out for the first quarter of the 2000-2001 fiscal year. These goals focused on increasing and improving the services offered by campus computer rooms. Summer months are typically dominated by activities associated with computer room renovations and preparations for the start of the academic year in Fall. This year, the unit completed four of the six goals set at the start of the quarter.

First Quarter Goals

1. Renovate facilities in 301A Surge IV, TB114, and the MU Station
Status: Completed

Lab Management successfully completed the renovation of the TB114 and MU Station open access facilities during the summer months. The renovation in TB114 included two new quick access stations to accommodate more users during peak hours. Several changes were made in the Station to improve traffic flow through the highly utilized computer room. Six group work areas in the Station were converted into four standup stations and two regular sit down stations. These renovations were intended to address high demand for computers on campus. Changes in the Station included moving the printers, moving and redesigning the computer room consultant area, and establishing a waiting area to improve traffic flow.

In addition, major renovations were completed in the 301A Surge IV computer classroom. The large and extremely noisy air conditioning system was removed and a quieter roof mounted HVAC unit was installed. In addition, the room's entry way was moved in preparation for a room redesign to improve spacing between stations, teacher accessibility to the students, and traffic flow in and out of the room. These changes, though initially planned for the summer, were rescheduled for next summer to avoid construction delays that may conflict with Fall classes.

2. Upgrade equipment in six computer rooms
Status: Completed

As part of a planned three year equipment cycle, Lab Management completed the computer upgrades in three computer classrooms located in 241 Olson, 301A Surge IV, and 163 Shields. Older equipment from these rooms, as well as equipment from the 1154 Meyer upgrade which occurred in June 2000 were transitioned to the TB114 and 301B Surge IV open access facilities. The retirement of older equipment from the computer rooms helps to extend the useful life of equipment and reduce the cost of supporting open access facilities.

In addition, a new projector system was installed in the 1131 Meyer PC computer classroom. The upgrade is the first in an effort to bring the projector system in computer classrooms to match those systems in regular classrooms in order to make computer classrooms easier to use.

3. Upgrade software in all computer rooms
Status: Completed

During the summer, all computer rooms received software upgrades. Mac based computer rooms received an operating system upgrade to OS9.04. PC based computer rooms received Microsoft Office 2000 upgrades. The operating system upgrades for Mac improved system reliability while the Office upgrades provided new functionality as well as providing FrontPage 2000 for web page design and Internet Explorer 5 for web browsing.

4. Hire and train student staff for the 2000-2001 academic year

Lab Management hired over a dozen new student staff and conducted its week long boot camp training program in the third week of September. More than 80 veteran and new Lab Management student staff members participated in the program. Six career staff along with several veteran student staff members organized and conducted the training classes. This year, student staff members from other Information Technology units took part in the training activities. Dr. John Bruno, Vice Provost of Information and Educational Technology, addressed the group during the week.

5. Review and modify Lab Management mission and goals

Status: In Progress

Lab Management began its yearly review and goal setting during the summer. A rough outline of goals were completed along with a slight modification of the mission statement. Lab Management expects to complete and publicize its yearly goals by the end of the second quarter.

6. Transition surplus equipment to other campus departments
Status: In Progress

As part of an effort to increase the useful life of computer equipment retired from computer labs, Lab Management transferred 136 pieces of equipment to 13 departments throughout the campus this summer. The list of equipment transferred at no cost includes seven high speed printers and 82 computers. The equipment is between four and five years old and has served most of its life in highly utilized public computer rooms. Lab Management typically retires equipment at the end of its third year of service to keep technology current in its 15 computer classrooms, open access labs, and media rooms. Other departments often send requests for the surplus equipment to replace much older equipment in their departments or augment their existing inventory. Efforts continue to dispose of approximately 55 other pieces of equipment. Since there has been no interest from university departments, Lab Management is investigating a way to transfer the equipment to local schools.

Lab Management completed four of the six goals set for Summer 2000. During the Fall 2000 quarter, the unit intends to complete the process of setting its fiscal year goals and begin the planning process for major renovations through Summer 2001. Major efforts in Fall 2000 may also be dedicated to operational changes due to the reorganization of its parent organization which began on July 1, 2000.

Supporting documentation Other Information on Lab Management

Last updated: November 29, 2000