Fourth Quarter (4/3/99 - 6/30/99)
Lab Management successfully completed all the last quarter goals which focused on expanding and improving services and planning for the next fiscal year. Spring Quarter was highlighted by efforts to add a new computer classroom and preparing for renovation work expected in Summer.
1. Open 1 Olson as a Mac computer classroom
As part of an ongoing effort to meet the demand for computer classrooms, Lab Management completed the renovation of 1 and 5 Olson rooms into one computer classroom facility. Construction that would combine the two small rooms into one room is similar to the work done to convert smaller rooms into the 21 and 27 Olson classrooms. Physical Plant completed major work for electrical, ventilation, and alarm systems. Furniture, audio/visual equipment, and computers were installed and tested. The facility opened in time for Summer Session I classes on June 23. The facility boasts 31 networked iMac computers and one high speed HP laser printer.
2. Design and install a new checkout system in the Hart Media Distribution Lab
A new checkout system was installed in the Hart Media Distribution Lab towards the end of the quarter. The system utilizes a barcode reader and an student ID card scanner. Each item checked out would be scanned by the barcode reader and the ID card is scanned to verify students' registration status. Previously, the check-out process required the student to handwrite their request and leave their ID card at the counter. In past quarters, between 15,000 and 18,000 checkouts were made. The new process is expected to shorten the time to process checkouts.
3. Plan for minor and major facilities renovations for Summer
With several facilities scheduled for renovation in Summer of 99, planning was a major activity in Spring quarter. Lab Management worked with Facilities Services to schedule work orders and identify critical paths in the project plan. Lab Management consulted faculty to ensure that computer classroom improvements addressed needs and resolve past shortcomings. Lab Management created a project plan that covered upgrades and renovations for 15, 21, and 27 Olson, TB114, and 307 Surge IV. In addition, planning began for installing a new sound editing room in 1154 Meyer. As part of the process, Lab Managment identified standards for equipment and furniture in computer facilities. After standards were set, over 80 computers and five printers were ordered and work was scheduled with Facilities Services to build custom furniture.
4. Review 98-99 fiscal year goals and create 99-2000 goals
Lab Management reviewed the past year's goals and set new goals for the coming year. This activity is normally completed in the Fall quarter following summer renovations. Lab Management decided to move up the process to coincide with the fiscal year start. The unit's mission and goals can be reviewed at
5. Compile and publish the Spring faculty and student survey
Lab Management compiled information from a survey of faculty who taught in various campus computer rooms during Winter 99. A separate survey was conducted for students who used the various computer rooms during the same time period. Over 402 students and 29 faculty participated in the survey. The faculty survey showed that instructors overall had a favorable opinion of Lab Management facilities and services. Student consultants received a mark of 1.3 out of a possible best 1.0 and worst 5.0 scale for being helpful. The lowest marks given by faculty were around room layout and room temperature.
The student survey focused on the issues of printing and availability. Over half the respondents indicated that it was sometimes easy to find a free computer. Over 36 percent indicated that it was moderately difficult to extremely difficult to find a free computer on campus. When asked about the best solution to address the increasing number of people printing, students indicated that their number one choice would be a per page charge after a quota of free printouts was exceeded.
The student survey can be found at and the faculty survey can be found at
Lab Management completed five goals set for Spring 99. The student and faculty community have expressed their appreciation over the added services. With the third academic quarter, Lab Management continued to take the opportunity to work on long term goals focused on increasing access and improving services. Both student and faculty clients were provided an opportunity to provide input in how Lab Management can continue to improve.
Lab Management intends to complete all scheduled summer renovations and prepare for the 1999-2000 academic year during the next quarter.
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URL: Last updated: September 13, 1999 |
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