Second Quarter (9/30/99 - 12/31/99)
Lab Management successfully completed several goals and began one which focused on increasing improving services at campus computer rooms. Fall Quarter was highlighted by preparedness for Y2K, completing room renovation work, adding new services to the New Media Lab, extending the service life of older computers and participating in the first electronic elections.
1. Complete Y2K Readiness
Status: Completed
During Summer 99, software updates and patches were identified as needed to ensure Y2K compliance of the computer facilities. These patches were applied during the Fall Quarter to various software from the operating system to Microsoft Office applications. Testing persisted through the quarter and were completed in early December. Additional compliance was obtained from vendors of various software and hardware. Because of these efforts, the Y2K roll over produced no impact to computing.
2. Upgrade TB114 open access facility
As part of continuing efforts to improve facilities, Lab Management began the renovation of the TB114 open access facility in late Summer. The renovation included installing new tables, upgrading the PC hardware, and changing the room configuration to better serve students. All the computer upgrades and a majority of the room configuration and furniture upgrades were completed during the summer. The installation of new tables for the quick access stations and new tables for the student consultants were completed in mid Fall quarter. This was the first open access facility and experiences heavy utilization regularly during the peak hours from 9 AM to 6 PM.
3. Create an audio room in 1154 Meyer and upgrade one digital video editing suite
Status: In Progress
Lab Management continued to work on expanding New Media services to the campus. Two projects began in the Fall Quarter will continue during the Winter Quarter to expand services for both digital audio and video production. A digital audio editing room accessible to faculty, students, and staff is scheduled to be installed and ready by the end of Winter Quarter. This room will provide the ability for audio digitizing, manipulation and editing for clients as well as music composition, editing and creation. Currently, there are no audio editing hardware and only basic software available to the general campus community.
In addition, a new digital video editor is scheduled to be installed. The editor is intended to replace an older video editor and meet the growing demand for video editing equipment from both the general campus community as well as the growing number of academic classes utilizing video editing and other video projects as a part of their curriculum.
4. Create and implement a plan to extend the life of older equipment
Status: Completed
A process was created to transition older computer and printer equipment to UC Davis departments for continued use. The equipment, typically older than four years, were no longer able to operate in the high use environments of the public computer labs and classrooms. These equipment were still operational and a process was established to find use for them in a different environment. Various departments can now complete a form and submit a request for older surplus equipment. Based on their proposal, appropriate equipment is transfered to the units where they serve a useful function in the unit. The process is intended to give departments a fair opportunity to request the surplus machines and ease the administrative process of the equipment transfer.
5. Participate in the ASUCD electronic elections
Status: Completed
Lab Management, in conjunction with ASUCD and Student Affairs, made the Station at the MU available only for ASUCD Senate elections voting from 8 AM to 4 PM on November 16th and 17th. During that period, the open access facility containing 34 Mac and PC stations were made available only to students who were voting and elections officials. This was the first time that ASUCD Senate elections were held online. The change in the election process was made to increase voter turnout and in response to the elimination of registration card stickers. Registration card stickers were marked as a way to check that the students had already voted. During these two days, approximately 1100 students used this facility between the hours of 8AM and midnight. Discussions are planned as to Lab Management's continued participation in the election process.
Lab Management completed four goals set for Fall 99 and began work on a fifth. The student and faculty community have expressed their appreciation over the added services. With the third academic quarter, Lab Management continued to take the opportunity to work on long term goals focused on increasing access and improving services.
Lab Management intends to complete all work towards the renovation of the 307 Surge IV facility and open it for campus use next quarter.
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Other Information on Lab Management |
URL: Last updated: January 28, 2000 |
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