Computer classroom usage for classes rose from 13.6% in Fall 1992 to 54.84% in Winter 1997. This had the effect of reducing the amount of time available for class assignment work and open use.
The following three graphs show usage by total and by computer type for reserved classes and class assignment time. Data is based on the period of Monday to Friday 8 am to 6 pm.
The Winter 1998 data is based on the scheduled classes as of 12/22/97
and will change.
The graph below shows the average weekday usage in the PC rooms.
All the rooms except 1131 Meyer averaged over 90% usage for 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. 1131 Meyer is most likey used less due to its location far
from central campus.
The usage in the Mac classrooms heavily used for classes ( 241 and
247 Olson) closely match the class usage by showing the afternoon drop
caused by Fridays.
Lab Management continued to provide support for general academic use,
with the total number of users reaching 12,776 during Winter 1997.
The data for Fall 96 through Spring 97 doesn't accurately count
usage since the procedures did not correctly account for new-style logins.
The accounting procedure was updated to properly count new-style logins
for the Fall 97 data.
The total users is greater than the sum of faculty, students, and
staff due to the small number of other accounts.
The Terminal Lab in TB114 was converted to a mixed PC and Macintosh open access lab during Summer 1997.
The pages printed per quarter increased to 1,015,000 pages for Fall
1997. The current trend no longer appears to be linear, suggesting that
the number of pages printed per quarter will continue to increase dramatically.
Related Information:
URL: Last updated: January 23, 1998 |
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